Monday, December 29, 2008
Marrying a Chartered Accountant .....
The person who wrote this is really amazing....if you people know any such other posts.let me know.
Marrying a Chartered Accountant .....
When I told my mom that I wanted a professional woman as my wife, she got me
one; a Chartered Accountant. She uses LIFO method while taking out the
refrigerated food. She thinks I am no good at figure work. Fine with me, for
now she handles the budget of the house.
Initially she used to send me a bill at the month end, but when I told her
that I am not her client but her husband, she asks for the money in advance.
The expenses had been rising steadily over the months, so one day I snooped
into the papers maintained in a current file.
No wonder! She was charging conveyance and overtime to the house budget.
She is crazy, I tell her but she corrects me. "No my darling, I am the
auditor." I fail to see the light.
Every scrap of the paper in our house is filed.
She tells me as per some Ordinance she must keep a copy of every thing for
at least ten years before destroying it.
I am worried.
The other day we had an hour-long fight. Later, I got to know that she had
charged that hour to a client of hers, in the time sheet. My time was put
down as unoccupied.
She says that she loves me and I tell her that I love her too. However, she
never believes me. She says that there is susceptibility of it being a
misstatement. Duh! She wants my representation on this & Expert opinion of
some Expert!
Not a long time back my brother's wedding was to be solemnized. Wedding
cards had been sent. After some time I started receiving a steady trickle of
letters. I was puzzled until my wife explained that external evidence was
more reliable. She had called for confirmations from all those to whom cards
were sent.
When she cooks, my wife at times does not go by recipe. Where the recipe
says add half-teaspoon vinegar, one tsp black salt or one teacup of water,
she ignores them. She says that they are not material when taken in context
of whole meal being prepared.
She is crazy, I tell you. Surprisingly everybody calls her an auditor,
instead. I checked the dictionary and it did not state that auditor is a
synonym for crazy. The dictionary must be outdated. When we got married,
she had given me an Engagement Letter and I Had said how cute-how sweet.Now
she gives it to me every year saying that her standards state that it must
be sent anew if there is any indication that I have misunderstood the
objective and scope of engagement. Huh!
Apart from sending me the engagement letter once again she says I can't get
rid off her just like that. She says that she has the right of being heard
before I appoint some one else. It seems I must keep reading one local and
another English newspaper published and circulated in the vicinity of our
house for more details.
Phew! For a minute, I thought that we had jeopardized our going concern
status. Duh! Dare I say so??
I am told by one of my female colleagues who is married to a CA that the
scenario is even worse when the guy is a CA. Apparently he capitalised the
wedding expenses as preliminary expenses and is writing it off every year.
Also the time he spent dating his wife before marrying her is still under
consideration for valuation under AS-26...valuation of intangible assets.
So guys please think twice....should u really marry a CA? And yes please
discount it by the appropriate rate to arrive at the present value of the
risk of doing so !!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A fantastic article by Francois Gautier– .........Is there such a thing as 'Hindu terrorism'.
In the early 1980s, when I started freelancing in south India , doing photo features on kalaripayattu, the Ayyappa festival, or the Ayyanars, I slowly realised that the genius of this country lies in its Hindu ethos, in the true spirituality behind Hinduism. The average Hindu you meet in a million villages possesses this simple, innate spirituality and accepts your diversity, whether you are Christian or Muslim, Jain or Arab, French or Chinese. It is this Hinduness that makes the Indian Christian different from, say, a French Christian, or the Indian Muslim unlike a Saudi Muslim. I also learnt that Hindus not only believed that the divine could manifest itself at different times, under different names, using different scriptures (not to mention the wonderful avatar concept, the perfect answer to 21st century religious strife) but that they had also given refuge to persecuted minorities from across the world?Syrian Christians, Parsis, Jews, Armenians, and today, Tibetans. In 3,500 years of existence, Hindus have never militarily invaded another country, never tried to impose their religion on others by force or induced conversions.
You cannot find anybody less fundamentalist than a Hindu in the world and it saddens me when I see the Indian and western press equating terrorist groups like SIMI, which blow up innocent civilians, with ordinary, angry Hindus who burn churches without killing anybody. We know also that most of these communal incidents often involve persons from the same groups?often Dalits and tribals?some of who have converted to Christianity and others not.
However reprehensible the destruction of Babri Masjid, no Muslim was killed in the process; compare this to the 'vengeance' bombings of 1993 in Bombay , which wiped out hundreds of innocents, mostly Hindus. Yet the Babri Masjid destruction is often described by journalists as the more horrible act of the two. We also remember how Sharad Pawar, when he was chief minister of Maharashtra in 1993, lied about a bomb that was supposed to have gone off in a Muslim locality of Bombay .
I have never been politically correct, but have always written what I have discovered while reporting. Let me then be straightforward about this so-called Hindu terror. Hindus, since the first Arab invasions, have been at the receiving end of terrorism, whether it was by Timur, who killed 1,00,000 Hindus in a single day in 1399, or by the Portuguese Inquisition which crucified Brahmins in Goa . Today, Hindus are still being targeted: there were one million Hindus in the Kashmir valley in 1900; only a few hundred remain, the rest having fled in terror. Blasts after blasts have killed hundreds of innocent Hindus all over India in the last four years. Hindus, the overwhelming majority community of this country, are being made fun of, are despised, are deprived of the most basic facilities for one of their most sacred pilgrimages in Amarnath while their government heavily sponsors the Haj. They see their brothers and sisters converted to Christianity through inducements and financial traps, see a harmless 84-year-old swami and a sadhvi brutally murdered. Their gods are blasphemed.
So sometimes, enough is enough.At some point, after years or even centuries of submitting like sheep to slaughter, Hindus?whom the Mahatma once gently called cowards?erupt in uncontrolled fury. And it hurts badly. It happened in Gujarat . It happened in Jammu , then in Kandhamal, Mangalore, and Malegaon . It may happen again elsewhere. What should be understood is that this is a spontaneous revolution on the ground, by ordinary Hindus, without any planning from the political leadership. Therefore, the BJP, instead of acting embarrassed, should not disown those who choose other means to let their anguished voices be heard.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Song Dedicated to current situation of INDIA
Turn my mike up louder I got to say something
Light weights step to the side when we come in
Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running
Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping
Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and
Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping
Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for
Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for
Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor
Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank
These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect
For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"
In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen
World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions
Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me
Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away
It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine
On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"
[Chorus x6][x6]With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Youngistan. Let us Build our INDIA.
My mind goes blank whenever I ask this question to myself…. Like a typical white collar middleclass fellow I always say “Our India should be like that,…India should compete America. There should be no corruption …Blah blah blah”.
But we do nothing for it. We always say these politicians are BAKAWAS. They are making our country week blah blah blah..
But ever somebody tried to clean this shit? I never tried. And I’m feeling guilty for it.
If you ask what I do then, I’m an software engineer, I work 8am to 8 pm everyday. I earn lot of money, and waste it on weekend. I’m an spoiled brat, attracted to western culture. Always thinking when my company will send me onsite. When I’ll be able to earn in dollars.
And what for, not for charity, not for my country. just for my own lavish life.
That was my life. And I’m through it.
But now I want to build YOUNGISTAN. Please guys let us try.
We can make difference. We cannot waste the sacrifice of our brave soldiers. We should do something for them.
Politicians should stop to make an issue of their lives.
Politicians should not interfere in the police and army matters.
Spent much money on army and policeman, to make them more equipped with new technology weapons. Rather than spending money on these politicians. Who never pay their income tax also! (Police constables are still using LATHI, and fighting against AK47).
Create a federal agency.
And we should believe in them.
Please give your better suggestion for how to implement this.
And one thing I want to say to out politicians. Don’t be the bastards. you make us sick.
if you have some dignity, atleast try to improve yourself now.
What Mumbai have lost…tribute to our brave soldiers ,a voice of Mumbaikar and Indian.
My tribute to our brave soldiers, because of them only I’m able to sleep peacefully in my bedroom without any worries in my head.
Because I know that those soldiers are there to protect me.
And what am I doing for them, Nothing! Sometimes I really feel guilty.
We just saw what happen in Mumbai. I’m a Mumbaikar, I was here in Mumbai those bustards attack here.
Many people would have lost their lives. Thanks to the Mumbai Police, ATS, NEG, ARMY and NAVY personals.
They throw away their lives for us. They also have families. They are also mortals. Being aware that it might risk their lives, they fought just to protect us.
We owe our life to these soldiers and their famillies,
I just want to say to our soldiers and their famillies .I SUPPORT ALL OF YOU AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I know that it just not enough.
Its shame that soldiers protect us, and we never asked them what they expect from us.
But it’s not too late. I Request all Indian soldiers (ARMY, NAVY, NSG, POLICE personals) please let me know what you expect from us.
I will give my 100% to help all of you.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thank you very much...
I lost my wallet at exam centre(Thakur science college. Date 16 Nov 2008), and it stuck me when i was about to start my bike.
I searched all over the class room, and asked all the security guards and other people, but nobody knows about it.
I don't why....but i had a feeling that I'll get my wallet back. My brother said its waste of time to wait and block the card before its misuse.
then i called ICICI bank and blocked my credit card...........I was about to block my debit card.. somebody called me, i saw back.. he was security man saying "Hey i think we got your wallet".
One of the teacher/ exam supervisor kept my wallet with him, and then submit it to the principal. He was late as he needs to complete his work first.
I thanked him, and he said he'll be waiting down for me. and wants to confirm that i got my wallet back.
It take some time to verify that it was my wallet. I came down and searched him, but didn't find him.
I really want to say thanks to him... and i owe a thanks to him and i feel sorry that i was not able to say.
Thank You very much sir.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Haule Haule Se Hawa Lagti Hai
Hindi Lyrics:
.(Haule Haule) - 4
Haule Haule Se Hawa Lagti Hai
Haule Haule Se Dawa Lagti Hai
Haule Haule Se Dua Lagti Hai, Haaan
Haaye, Haule Haule Chanda Badhta Hai
Haule Haule Ghonghat Uth Ta Hai
Haule Haule Se Nasha Chadhta Hai, Haan
Tu Sabar To Kar Mere Yaar, Zara Saans To Le Dildaar
Chal Fikar Nu Goli Maar Yaar Hai Din Jindai De Chaar
(Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar Chal Yaar
Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar) - 2
Haule Haule, Haule Haule
Haule Haule, Haule Haule
Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar Chal Yaar
Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar
[ Haule Haule Song Lyrics @ ]
(Pa Ni De , De Ga Pa Ma Ga Re) - 2
Pa Ni Ga , Ga Ma Ga Ma Ga Re
Pa Da Pa Ni Da Ma Pa Da Ma Ga Re
Risthon Ki Galiyaan Tang Hai
Sharmo Sharmliee Band Hai
Khud Se Khud Ki Yeh Kaise Jung Hai
Pal Pal Yeh Dil Ghabraye
Pal Pal Yeh Dil Sharmaye
Kuch Kehta Hai Aur Kuch Kar Jaaye
Kaise Yeh Peheli.. Muh Dil Mar Jana..
Ishq Mein Jaldi Bada Jurmaana
Tu Sabar To Kar Mere Yaar, Zara Saans To Le Dildaar
Chal Fikar Nu Goli Maar Yaar Hai Din Jindai De Chaar
(Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar Chal Yaar
Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar) - 2
Haule Haule, Haule Haule
Haule Haule, Haule Haule
Haaye Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar Chal Yaar
Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar
Rab Da Hi Tab Koi Hona, Karein Koi Yun Jaadu Tona
Maan Jaaye Maan Jaaye Haye Mera Sona..
Rab De Saare Chalde, Na Hai Kinare Chal De
Koi Hai Na Kahare Chal De
Kya Kheh Ke Gaya Tha Shayar Woh Shayana..
Aag Ka Dariya Doob Ke Jana
Tu Sabar To Kar Mere Yaar, Zara Saans To Le Dildaar
Chal Fikar Nu Goli Maar Yaar Hai Din Jindai De Chaar
(Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar Chal Yaar
Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar) - 2
Haule Haule , Haule Haule
Haule Haule , Haule Haule
Haaye Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar Chal Yaar
Haule Haule Ho Jayega Pyaar
Haule Haule Se Dua Lagti Hai, Haaan
Saturday, November 01, 2008
मराठी मानुस आनी राज ठाकरे !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i support Raj Thakare
आपण सर्वानी एक मराठी मानुस म्हणुन आणि एक भारतीय म्हणुन जर विचार केला तर राज ठाकरेला support करावाच लागेल।
ही जी सर्व काही गड़बड़ झाली त्याचा मागे कोण आहे ते पहायला हव
उत्तर भारतीय नेते इथे lobbyaa तयार करतात। त्य्नाचा मतदार संघ तयार करतात आणि निवडून येउन आपली वाट लावतात.
मला सांगा जो मानुस महाराष्ट्रातला नही त्याला महाराष्ट्रातील प्रॉब्लम कसे कळणार and its same for others too. every politician should try to improve his own state rather than infiltrate other states to expand his political party's strength. After doing GOOD JOB in their states, every other state will welcome him to improve conditions.
MNS ne बिहारी students वर attack केला its not good. पण तो का करावा लागला हे पहा ना!!!!
आज हे सगळे उत्तर भारतीय नेते, लालू, मायावती,अमर सिंह, ह्या लोकानी त्य्नाच्या राज्यांची वाट लावाली आणि ते आता आपल्या राज्यवार डोळा ठेउन आहेत. We need to stop this.
जो राज एनकाउंटर मधे मेला, ते बरोबर आहे. police ला हे माहिती होता का की तो कोणत्या राज्याचा आहे म्हणुन.
The boy who get killed in local, its not good, but it has nothing to do with Raj Thakare.
the dirty politicians are trying to make scene out of it.
महाराष्ट्र मधे फ़क्त महाराष्ट्रतिल लोकाना election मधे उभे रहाण्याची परवानगी दिली जावी ।
उत्तर भारतीय नेत्यांना महाराष्ट्रात बोलण्याचा अधिकार नही.
as an Indian also, i think .. Raj Thakare is innocent. the way he put the issues was not good, but what he should do! when he put them in right way nobody was listening to him.
others should think to improve their states and create jobs there.
They are welcomed here only if they just do their job here. and stop entering in administration of Maharashtra.
Maharashtra is good by its own, and as a MARATHI MANUS, i need a marathi government to rule state.
And this blog is not against any North Indian. we are all brothers, but need to consider other people's sentiments. Just we need to give it a thought and stop politicians to create chaos.
Monday, October 20, 2008
प्रपोज केल्यानंतर" मुलीकडून साधारणता "कोणती उत्तरे "मिळू शकतात त्याबद्दल काही....
छोटा डॉन यांचे हे creation आहे .
for original post please visit at
१. नाही SSSSSSS
२. शी . किती घाणेरडे विचार आहेत तुझे ?
३. मी तर तुला 'तसल्या नजरेने' पाहिलेच नाही ... मी तुला फक्त एक चांगला [ हे अजून वर ] दोस्त मानते ...
४. मी "ऑलरेडी एंगेज" आहे.
५. प्लीज, माझा असल्या "फालतू गोष्टींवर" विश्वास नाही. माझ्यासाठी माझे 'शिक्षण, करियर व कुटुंबिय' महत्त्वाचे आहेत....
६. आपली तर आत्ता कुठे चांगली ओळख झाली आहे, तु तर मला अजून व्यवस्थीत ओळखत पण नाहीस, मला वाटतं की हे कदाचित "आकर्षण" असावे ...
७. तु किती कमावतोस ? / तुझा बॅलेंस किती आहे?
८. मागच्या वर्षीच तर मी तुला "राखी" बांधली होती !!!!
९. माझी अशा गोष्टींसाठी अजून 'मानसीक तयारी' झाली नाही ....
१०. मी माझ्या बाबांना / दादाला विचारून सांगते ....
११. मुर्ख , एवढी छोटीसी आणि महत्त्वाची गोष्ट सांगायला येवढा उशिर करतात का ?
१२. मला माहित आहे. बोलुन दाखवण्याची गरज नाही ....
१३. सॉरी ....
१४. "आरश्यात तोंड बघ मेल्या ... म्हणे तू मला आवडतेस !!!"
१५. मी तर तुला भावासमान मानते [ पण मी मानत नाही ना !!! ]
१६. होय, मला पण तू आवडतोस , पण तू माझा विश्वासघात करणार नाहिस ना ?
१७. गाढवा, आधिच नाहीस का सांगायचं, आता वेळ निघून गेली [ म्हणजे दुसरे कोणतेतरी चांगले "गाढव" सापडले ]
१८. तु जर थोडे आधी सांगितले असते तर मी कदाचित विचार केला असता ....
१९. नालायका , तुझी हिंम्मत कशी झाली मला असे विचारायची ?" [ त्यानंतर कदाचित एक छानशी कानफाडीत ...]
२०. ती : मला विचार करायला वेळ हवा आहे ...
तो : नक्की किती ? [ अजून आशा आहे तर ....]
ती : ७ जन्म .... [ यानंतर मुलगा बेशुद्ध ...]
२१. नीच माणसा, मी तर एक "विवाहित स्त्री" आहे तरीपण ....
२२. सॉरी , माझे तुझ्या मित्रावर / छोट्या भावावर प्रेम आहे ....
२३. हा हा....हा हा हा.... हा हा हा हा
ही ही ... ही ही ही ... ही ही ही ही
२४. लग्नाच्या आधी माझा असल्या कुठल्याही फालतू गोष्टीत गुंतण्याचा विचार नाही....
२५. मातीत जा ... मला त्याची पर्वा नाही ....
२६. तु माझ्यासाठी काय करू शकसिल ?
२७. मी कितवी आहे? हा हा हा ....
२८. मी तुझ्याबद्दल "तसला विचार' कधी केलाच नाही ...
२९. माझ्या भावाला भेट, तो तुला व्यवस्थित समजावून सांगेल....
३०. का ??? "स्वाती" नाही म्हणली का?
३१. पण तू तर "सपना च्या" मागे होतास , तिने काय थप्पड वगैरे मारली का ?
३२. किती दिवसांकरता ? सॉरी किती तासांकरता ?
३३. " जे काही बोलायचे आहे ते लवकर बोलुन टाक, माझ्या मुलाची शाळेतून येण्याची वेळ झाली आहे..."
३४. कित्तीSSSS छान ....
३५. पुढच्या ४ महिन्यांची 'वेटिंग लिस्ट ' पन फुल्ल आहे ...
३६. क्काय SSSSS
३७. आत्ताच्या आत्ता इथून निघून जा नाहितर ....
३८. मला वटतयं कदाचित मी "एंगेज" असेन ...
३९. मझ्याकडे तुझ्यापेक्षा जास्त चांगले "ऑप्शन" आहेत...
४०. मला ह्या गोष्टीबद्दल काहिएक बोलायची इच्छा नाही. त्यानंतर ती त्याच्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करायला लागते .....
४१. माझ्या "बॉयफ्रेंडला" कळले तर तुला त्रास होईल कारण तो खूप तापट आहे ...
४२. खरेतर माझ्या 'चुलत बहिणीला' तू खूप आवडतोस म्हणून मग .....
४३. माझ्या आईला तुझे वागणे, बोलणे, चालणे आवडणार नाही .........
४४. "काय पाहिलसं असं माझ्यात ?????"
४५. सन्नकन एक कानाखाली [ शब्दापेक्षा कृती अधिक बोलकी ...]
४६. हाहाहा ... मला वाटलं नव्हत की तू येवढा चलू निघशीलं .....
४७. नाईस जोक ....
४८. तुम्ही मुल दुसरा कुठला विचार करू शकत नाही का ? कुठली चांगली मुलगी दिसली की लगेच लागले मागे ....
४९. अछ्छा तु पन का ? मला वटले की फक्त राहूल, दिनेश , रवि ... माझ्या मागे आहेत ... असे म्हणून चालायला लागते ........
Best one
५०. गाढवा, तुला तर व्यवस्थि प्रपोज पण करता येत नाही... पहिल्यांदाच करतो आहेस कस ? ठिक आहे, चल मी तुल शिकवते कसे करायचे ते ....
Friday, October 17, 2008
Code reality
Tester Samjhega Shayad Main Pagal Hoon
Code Kya Kehta Hai Mera Kya Main Bataoon
PM samjhega ki Shayad Main genius Hoon
Dil Karta Hai Apni Seat par khada ho Jaoon
Chilla Chilla Ke Main Ye Sabse Kehdoon
Code On… Hai Ye Client Ka Ishaara
Code On… Requirement fullfill kar sara
Code On….Onsite Offshore ka tamashaa
Code On….yehi IT ki zindagi hai mere yaraa…
Dil Karta Hai VNET Par Zor Se Gaoon
Aur Apne outlook Ki sab log mail Kholen
Phir Main Aise Josheelay mails bahaaoon
Mere mails Ko padkar Sab Ye samjhen
Code On… Hai Ye Company Ka Ishaara
Code On… Client ko khush karna hai yaaraa
Code On….Late night ruk ja tu
Code On….yehi IT ki zindagi hai mere yaraa…
Jaise Code karne Ko Dil Chahe code kar Waise Tu
Meri To Hai Bas Ye Raaye Ki
Apne task ko time par Poora Karle Tuuuuuu
Code On… development cycle ka ishara
Code On… phases fullfill kar sara
Code On….dead lines meet karne ka tension
Code On….yehi IT ki zindagi hai mere yaraa…
Code On… Hai Ye Company Ka Ishaara
Code On… Client ko khush karna hai yaaraa
Code On….Late night ruk ja tu
Code On….yehi IT ki zindagi hai mere yaraa…
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Logical Song.....
Kyon Chalti Hai Pawan
Because Of Evaporation
Kyon Jhoome Hai Gagan
Because Of Earth's Revolution
Kyon Machalta Hai Mann
Because Of Excessive Respiration
Na Tum Jaano Na Hum
But I Just Gave All The Reasons!
Kyon Aati Hai Bahaar
Because Of A Change In Season
Kyon Lutata Hai Karaar
Because Of Mental Tension
Kyon Hota Hai Pyaar
Because Of Opposite Attraction
Na Tum Jaano Na Hum
Like I Said These Are All Scientific Phenomenon!
Kyon Gum Hai Har Disha
Because You Have A Poor Sense Of Direction
Kyon Hota Hai Nasha
Because Of Drug Addiction
kyon Aata Hai Mazaa
Because Physical Chemistry Gives Us All The Information
Na Tum Jaano Na Hum
I Did My Best To Explain
सागं आठवण आली की काय करायचे ?
नाते तुझे हळुवार जपायचे ,
आठवण आली की अलगद उमलायचे ,
नको करूस अट्टाहास , सांग कधी भेटायचे ,
दरवेळी मात्र मीच वीचारायचे , तु फक्त हो म्हणायचे ,
सागं आठवण आली की काय करायचे ?
मन मात्र तुझ्याभोवती घुटमळायाचे ,
या वेडयामनाला कोन समजावयाचे ?
सागं आठवण आली की काय करायचे ?
तुझ्या जवळ बसले असता मनं कधी गप्पा मारायचे ...
मनातले हे बोल सांग कधी कळायचे ?
सागं आठवण आली की काय करायचे ,
नाही भेटले की डोळे अलगद ओले करायचे ,
सैर वैर झालेल्या मनाला गप्प मात्र मीच करायचे ,
येऊन घेशील मिठीत असे मीच म्हणायचे ,
सागं आठवण आली की काय करायचे ?
फोन मात्र मीच करायचं ,
H.....R... U मात्र तू बोलायचे ,
तु दिसला की डोळे भरुण पहायचे ,
ऊघडले डोळे की ते मत्र स्वपनच ठरायचे ,
सागं आठवण आली की काय करायचे ?
Friday, October 10, 2008
कधीतरी वाटतं कुणीतरी सोबत असावं.......
माझ्याच विचारांनी दिवसाची सुरवात करणारं,
कधीतरी वाटतं कुणीतरी सोबत असावं
होता विरह थोडातरी काळजी घे स्वतःची म्हणणारं
हे सारं बोलताना नकळतपणे दोन आसु गाळणारं
कुणीतरी असावं माझ्या परतीच्या वाटेवर डोळे लावुन बसणारं
काहीही झालंतरी माझा फोन कट न करणारं
आणि बोलणे कुणालाही समजणारही नाही इतक्या सहजतेने बोलणारं
कुणीतरी असावं अश्या माझ्याशी तासंतास गप्पा मारणारं
दिवसभरं माझ्या फोनची आतुरतेने वाट पाहणारं
फोन आल्यावर माझ्यावरं लटके लटके रागवणारं
कुणीतरी असावं मी समजावल्यावर मात्र नचुकता सॉरी म्हणणारं
सुट्टीच्या दिवशी भेटायला यायला सांगणारं
थोडासा तरी उशीर झाला येण्यासाठी तर येरझारया घालणारं
कुणीतरी असावं सोबत आतुरतेने माझी वाटं पाहणारं
माझ्या डोळ्यांतील भाव बोलले नाही तरी जाणणारं
एखाध्या नाजुक भावक्षणी डोळ्यातुन पाणी गाळणारं ...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Please Dont Drink and Drive
I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom,
So I drank soda instead.
I really felt proud inside, Mom,
The way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom,
Even though the others said I should.
I know I did the right thing, Mom,
I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom,
As everyone is driving out of sight.
As I got into my car, Mom,
I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me,
So responsible and sweet.
I started to drive away, Mom,
But as I pulled out into the road,
The other car didn't see me, Mom,
And hit me like a load.
As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,
I hear the policeman say,
"The other guy is drunk," Mom,
And now I'm the one who will pay.
I'm lying here dying, Mom....
I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom?
My life just burst like a balloon.
There is blood all around me, Mom,
And most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom,
I'll die in a short time.
I just wanted to tell you, Mom,
I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom.
The others didn't think.
He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank
And I will die.
Why do people drink, Mom?
It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now.
Pains just like a knife.
The guy who hit me is walking, Mom,
And I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying
And all he can do is stare.
Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.
Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom,
Put "GOOD BOY " on my grave.
Someone should have told him, Mom,
Not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom,
I would still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, Mom.
I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom.
When I needed you, you were always there.
I have one last question, Mom.
Before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive,
So why am I the one to die?
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
55 word stories....MUST READ !
Written by : Veerabhadra Siva Sanjeev K.
The suicide
I woke up from my bed only to find her hanging to the ceiling. ‘My wife was killed by some one’ I couldn’t even digest the fact. The police were at the place in a few minutes. Just below her body was mine with a knife stabbed in my heart and her fingerprints on it.
The headache
I was having a splitting headache. I gulped a tablet. I applied a balm. No avail. And finally I removed a hammer and started banging it onto the head. First time and the pain reduced. Second time and it reduced even further. And third time. All my three roommates lie in a pool of blood.
Wrong number
"Hello," a sweet voice called me up on my mobile. "Is this Rakesh?" she asked. "No ma’am, wrong number, but you can still talk to me," I said as I was bored at my workplace. "Come home in the evening and the pan will do the talking," the voice said and she cut the call.
Why should boys have all the fun
"Shhh.. Don’t shout. We’ll start to Goa tomorrow. Nobody’s gonna tell the guys," the girls were contemplating in the next room. Having overheard the conversation, I said "Destination Goa." We were off to Goa. Two days later, we don’t find the girls in Goa.
"Guys, where have you all been? We are enjoying at home"
My monkey wife
"I woke up today morning when I looked at the window. I then saw this monkey so huge and fair and dressed up well, imitate me." I was trying to make fun of my wife, who normally imitates me, by calling her a monkey.
"You call this window?" my wife asked pointing to a mirror.
The Split
I slowly placed my head on the wooden platform and she slowly raised the axe. I closed my eyes in fear and she gripped the handle firmly in her hands. I said my last prayers and ‘thud’ fell the axe onto the wood splitting it apart. She was in Tokyo and I was in California.
My first love
The first time I saw her, she was shaking her body in the aerobics class. I almost drooled over her beauty. She looked at me and smiled. The world beneath me vanished and the sky appeared to be coming closer towards me. I opened my arms wide open and said, "Illeana darling, I love you"
The portrait trilogy
At the museum, we reached a dark place. Three portraits were hanging. In the first, a bloody ghoul was feeding on a woman. In the second, a demon ripped apart itself and in the third there was a female, still and calm. "Damn, She moved" I shouted. "Stupid fool, that’s a mirror," my wife remarked.
The hitchhiker
A beautiful girl on the highway was flashing two fingers. I crossed her and looked at her, through the rear view mirror. She was gone. Next moment she was behind me in my car. I swerved left and hit a tree. Later, a truck driver came that way and saw the girl showing three fingers.
The race
I was driving home when a car vroomed past me. I started to race with that Civic. Swerving to the left and cutting across the lane, I was about to overtake it when I showed my finger and then vanished from sight. Later that night, my dad asked me the meaning of showing the finger.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
US open shows the world, Roger federer is King of tennis.

Monday, September 08, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
गणपति बाप्पा मोरया !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
परवा भेटला बाप्पा, जरा वैतागलेला वाटला
दोन क्षण दम खातो म्हणून माझ्याघरी टेकला
उंदीर कुठे पार्क करू ? लॉट नाही सापडला
मी म्हंटलं सोडून दे, आराम करु दे त्याला
तू पण ना देवा कुठल्या जगात राहतोस ?
मर्सिडिस च्या जमान्यात उंदरावरून फ़िरतोस
मर्सिडिस नाही निदान नॅनो तरी घेऊन टाक
तमाम देव मंडळींमधे भाव खाऊन टाक
इतक्या मागण्या पुरवताना जीव माझा जातो
भक्तांना खुश करेपर्यंत माझा जीव दमतो
काय करू आता सार मॅनेज होत नाही
पुर्वीसारखी थोडक्यात माणसं खुशही होत नाहीत
इमिग्रेशन च्या रिक्वस्ट्स ने सिस्टीम झालीये हॅंग
तरीदेखील संपतच नाही भक्तांची रांग
चार आठ आणे मोदक देऊन काय काय मागतात
माझ्याकडच्या फ़ाइल्स नुसत्या वाढतच जातात
माझं ऐक तू कर थोडं थोडं डेलिगेशन
मॅनेजमेंटच्या थेअरीमधे मिळेल सोल्यूशन
एम बी ए चे फ़ंडे तू शिकला नाहीस का रे ?
डेलिगेशन ऑफ़ ऍथॉरिटी ऐकल नाहीस कारे ?
असं कर बाप्पा एक लॅपटॉप घेउन टाक
तुझ्या साऱ्या दूतांना कनेक्टीव्हिटी देऊन टाक
म्हणजे बसल्याजागी काम होइल धावपळ नको
परत येउन मला दमलो म्हणायला नको
माझ्या साऱ्या युक्त्यांनी बाप्प झाला खुश
माग म्हणाला हवं ते एक वर देतो बक्षिस
सी ई ओ ची पोझिशन, टाऊनहाऊस ची ओनरशिप
ईमिग्रेशनदेखील होइल लवकर मग ड्युअल सिटिझनशिप
मी हसलो उगाच, म्हंटल, देशील जे मला हवं
म्हणाला मागून तर बघ, बोल तुला काय हवं
'पारिजातकाच्या सड्यात हरवलेलं अंगण हवं '
'सोडून जाता येणार नाही अस एक बंधन हवं'
'हवा आहे परत माणसातला हरवलेला भाव'
'प्रत्येकाच्या मनाच्या कोपऱ्यात थोडासा शिरकाव '
'देशील आणून परत माझी हरवलेली नाती '
'नेशील मला परत जिथे आहे माझी माती '
'इंग्रजाळलेल्या पोरांना थोडं संस्कृतीचं लेणं '
'आईबापाचं कधीही न फ़िटणारं देणं '
'कर्कश्श वाटला तरी हवा आहे ढोलताशांचा गजर '
'भांडणारा असला तरी चालेल पण हवा आहे शेजार '
'य़ंत्रवत होत चाललेल्या मानवाला थोडं आयुष्याचं भान'
देशील का रे बाप्पा माझ्या पदरात एवढं दान ?
"तथास्तु" म्हणाला नाही सोंडेमागून नुसता हसला
सारं हाताबाहेर गेलंय पोरा "सुखी रहा" म्हणाला
Monday, August 18, 2008
And now I want to kiss so many girls, but not a single one allows….
Monday, August 11, 2008
Software Engineers..
Doctor: I think you should go to the Doctor opposite to my clinic.
Man: No, I am coming to you.
Doctor: But, I am a Veterinary Doctor. I am an animal specialist.
Man: I know, but I want you to treat me.
Doctor: I cannot, because you speak like me and think like me which means you are a human, not an animal.
Man: I know I am same and I am a human but the problem is
I get up in the morning like a horse
I go to work like a deer
I work all day like a donkey
I wag my tail in front of my manager like a dog
I play with my children like a monkey
I am like a rabbit in front of my wife
Doctor asked: Do you work in Software Company.
Man: Yes.
Doctor yelled: Come dear, no body will treat you better than me.
Monday, August 04, 2008
My Life...........Its incomplete without my friends
When i look back in my life, i can remember my many friends from KG to till this moment.
I think i made up a mistake for not thanking all of my friends for whatever they have done to make my life colorful.
All of you ware always there for me, when i was sad, when i was heartbroken , when i was happy, when i want to party and when i want to be alone.
Its true that rarely i share my feelings, coz im not good at emotions. But having all of you just by side gives me hope an courage.
Because of you when i lookback in my life i can see how rich im. And how many precious jewels i have in my possesion.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Waiting forever
अजुनही ह्रुदयात गोंदली आहे तुझी नी माझी पहीली भेट
बावरलेली नजर तुझी ह्रुदयात शिरली होती थेट
मनात दाटल्या भावनांच ओठी येता झाल गाणं
ह्रुदयानी छेडल्या सुरांच मनात असच तरळत रहाणं
वाटल होत तेंव्हा तुझे हात हाती घ्यावेत
वाटल होत तेंव्हा तुझे हात मुठीत घट्ट धरावेत
मग म्हंटल जाउ दे!
नाहीच भरल हातानी मन तर ह्रुदयानी काय करावे?
माझं ह्रुदय म्हणता म्हणता उनाड पाखरु झाल
तुला भाळी आट्या बघताच पुन्हा भानावर आल
आता तुझी नजरही जरा सावरली
मीही माझी स्वप्न आवरली
तु 'येते हं' म्हणताच माझी स्वप्न बावरली!
’येते हं’ या शब्दांनी सारं आकाश भरुन गेलं
’येते हं’ या शब्दांना आज उभं तप सरुन गेलं
तु ’येते हं’ म्हणुन पुन्हा कधीच आली नाहीस
तुझी नी माझी राहीली भेट पुन्हा कधीच झाली नाही
आजुनही मनात सल आहे तुझी मला साथ नाही
मीही खुळ्या मनाला समजवतो
अरे वेड्या ... एकदा गोंदलं कधी जात नाही..
I got it in forwarded mail, and it just touched my heart, thought to share with all of you.
Why only boys have to wait forever, why girls don't say directly so we can understand................
Dont know whos is the poet. if anybody have any idea please tell me.
Name of poet is सत्यजित.
you can check his all poems at
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ek tha ladaka Ek thi movie
ok is our story.
This story is not old. It just happen in this month. A new movie was relesed here, and Here is a boy who wants to see it in multiplex, as he is a fan of that movie. This boy is nobody else, its my story and movie is Jane Tu Ya Jane Na.
I missed this movie for continue two weeks as i was busy in bro's wedding. then i came back to mumbai. for a week i was busy in work. and all of my friends had already seen that movie.
Here im an alone boy in this world. and there is nobody in this world who havn't seen this movie. that was third week of the movie after release and again i filed to see movie. For weekend i was in pune and want to see this movie, but there also situation was same. So i lost my third week and now its fourth week ....
so frustrated i am, Jane Tu Ya Jane Na was loaded in my laptop for last two weeks, but i want to see this movie at multiplex.. time goes. In fourth week also i was not able to see movie.
finally lost to these conditions...yesterday i opend my laptop and ...........................................................................................................................
Look at my condition guys terible i saw Jane Tu Ya Jane Na on laptop..
but im not a looser.. i'll see Jane Tu Ya Jane Na on multiplex...and its my promise
Monday, July 14, 2008
For my friends..............
and how many of them have slipped away.
Moved, got married, or stopped calling so much,
Found new friends, got busy, and just lost touch.
It reminded me of falling leaves.
Every autumn the leaves fall from the trees.
Some stay longer than others, but eventually -
Each leaf must fall, I'm told,
leaving the tree alone to face the cold.
Why is it that in the time of utmost need
the leaves would seek to leave the tree?
And when we need our friends around us
We look and they cannot be found?
Of course these friendships come and go
and in the spring new leaves will grow.
But I prefer autumn friends of old
with crackling laughter and colors bold.
And then I thought of you.
That one stubborn leaf that won't let go.
That clings despite the winds that blow.
Fighting ice, and snow, and winter's stings
hanging on right through till spring.
So I guess that's what you are to me -
The very last leaf to leave the tree.
I know it seems silly, but it's true.
When I see that last leaf...I think of you.
....don't drift away.... will you???
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
What A World Is this Bossssssssssssssssssss
But when a boy cries ---------- Come on man be a man don't be A "Girl"
If A Girl slaps a Boy ----------- Definitely the Boy would have "done something"
If Boy Slaps a girl -------------- Rascal doesn't know how to "Respect Ladies"
If a Girl is talking to Boys ----- She is "Very Friendly"
If a Boy talks to a Girl ---------- He is "flirting"
If a Girl meets with accident -------------------- Then its "mistake of others"
If a Boy meets with same accident ------------ Bloody you "bade bap ki bigadi aulad don't know how to Drive"
तुला विसरु शकत नही!!!!! कारन असा आहे मी.........seriously
दूर गेल्याशिवाय कळत नही .
सगल कलतय मला पण,
तुला सोडवून दुरही जाववत नही .
इथून दूर गेल्यावर
अनेक वाटा माझ्या असतील
पण पावला पावलांवर मात्र आठवणी तुझ्याच असतील !!!! कारन
सध्या मी आहेच असा
चार चौघात राहून
एकटा एकटा रहनारा
वालका पान गलतानाही तन्मयतेने पहनारा.
Original creation of Mr. chandrakant Gokhale.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
पाऊस आल्यावर मला तुझी आठवण आली,
शहारलेली,ओली ओली,
तुला आठ्वतय?ढ्ग दाटून आल्यावर तु माझ्या मिठित यायचिस
आणि पाऊस पडायला लागल्यावर घट्ट बिलगुन जायचिस,
पाऊस न चुकता दरवर्षी येतो,
तु कुठे आहेस म्हणुन विचारतो,
मी काहि न सा॑गता तो सार॑ काहि ओळखतो,
मग मी पुन्हा एकदा एकटाच पावसात भिजतो
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
How to stop Fuel Price Hike.........
A man eats two eggs each morning for breakfast. When he goes to the grocery store he pays 60 cents a dozen. Since a dozen eggs won't last
a week he normally buys two dozens at a time. One day while buying eggs he notices that the price has risen to 72 cents. The next time he buys groceries, eggs are 76 cents a dozen.
When asked to explain the price of eggs the store owner says, "The price has gone up and I have to raise my price accordingly". This store buys 100 dozen eggs a day. He checked around for a better price and all the distributors have raised their prices. The distributors have begun to buy from the huge egg farms. The small egg farms have been driven out of business. The huge egg farms sell 100,000 dozen eggs a day to distributors. With no competition, they can set the price as they see fit. The distributors then have to raise their prices to t he grocery stores. And on and on and on.
As the man kept buying eggs the price kept going up. He saw the big egg
trucks delivering 100 dozen eggs each day. Nothing changed there. He
checked out the huge egg farms and found they were selling 100,000
dozen eggs to the distributors daily. Nothing had changed but the price of eggs.
Then week before Thanksgiving the price of eggs shot up to $1.00 a
dozen. Again he asked the grocery owner why and was told, "Cakes and baking for the holiday". The huge egg farmers know there will be a lot of baking going on and more eggs will be used. Hence, the price of eggs goes up. Expect the same thing at Christmas and other times when family cooking, baking, etc. happen.
This pattern continues until the price of eggs is 2.00 a dozen. The man
says, " There must be something we can do about the price of eggs".
He starts talking to all the people in his town and they dec ide to stop
buying eggs. This didn't work because everyone needed eggs.
Finally, the man suggested only buying what you need. He ate 2 eggs a
day. On the way home from work he would stop at the grocery and buy two
eggs. Everyone in town started buying 2 or 3 eggs a day.
The grocery store owner began complaining that he had too many eggs in
his cooler. He told the distributor that he didn't need any eggs. Maybe
wouldn't need any all week.
The distributor had eggs piling up at his warehouse. He told the huge
egg farms that he didn't have any room for eggs would not need any for at least two weeks.
At the egg farm, the chickens just kept on laying eggs. To relieve
the pressure, the huge egg farm told the distributor that they could buy
the eggs at a lower price.
The distributor said, " I don't have the room for the %$&^*&% eggs
even if they were free". T he distributor told the grocery store owner that he would lower the price of the eggs if the store would start buying again.
The grocery store owner said, "I don't have room for more eggs. The customers are only buying 2 or 3 eggs at a time. Now if you were to
drop the price of eggs back down to the original price, the customers would start buying by the dozen again".
The distributors sent that proposal to the huge egg farmers but the egg
farmers liked the price they were getting for their eggs but, those
chickens just kept on laying. Fin ally, the egg farmers lowered the price of their eggs. But only a few cents.
The customers still bought 2 or 3 eggs at a time. They said, "when the
price of eggs gets down to where it was before, we will start buying by the dozen."
Slowly the price of eggs started dropping. The distributors had to
slash their prices to make room for the eggs coming from the egg farmers.
The egg farmers cut their prices because the distributors wouldn't buy
at a higher price than they were selling eggs for. Anyway, they had full warehouses and wouldn't need eggs for quite a while.
And those chickens kept on laying.
Eventually, the egg farmers cut their prices because they were throwing
away eggs they couldn't sell.
The distributors started buying again because the eggs were priced to
where the stores could afford to sell them at the lower price.
And the customers starting buying by the dozen again.
Now, transpose this analogy to the gasoline industry.
What if everyone only bought $10.00 worth of gas each time they pulled
to the pump? The dealer's tanks would stay semi full all the time. The
dealers wouldn't have room for the gas coming from the huge tank farms.
The tank farms wouldn't have room for the gas coming from the refining
p lants. And the refining plants wouldn't have room for the oil being off loaded from the huge tankers coming from the oil fiends.
Just $10.00 each time you buy gas. Don't fill it up. You may have to
stop for gas twice a week but, the price should come down.
Think about it.
As an added note...When I buy $10.00 worth of gas that leaves my tank a
little under quarter full. The way prices are jumping around, you can
buy gas for $2.65 a g allon and then the next morning it can be $2.15. If you have your tank full of $2.65 gas you don't have room for the $2.15 gas. You might not understand the economics of only buying two eggs at a time but, you can't buy cheaper gas if your tank is full of the high priced stuff.
Also, don't buy anything else at the gas station; don't give them any
more of your hard earned money than what you spend on gas, until the prices come down..."
just think of this concept for a while.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
For my all friends and everybody close to my heart....................
में यूँही कोई अपना लगता है
कभी कभी अदिति वह बिछड़ जाए तो
एक सपना लगता है ,
ऐसे में कोई अपने आसूं को बहने से रोके
और कैसे कोई सोच दे
Everythings gona be ok
कभी कभी तो लगे ज़िंदगी में न खुशी और न मज़ा
कभी कभी तो लगे हर दिन मुश्किल और हर पल एक सज़ा
ऐसे में कोई कैसे मुस्कुराये कैसे हसदे खुश होके
और कैसे कोई सोच दे
Everything gona be ok
सोच ज़रा जानेजा तुझको हम चाहते है
रोते है हम भी, अगर तेरी आखों में आसूं आते है
गाना तो आता नही है मगर फिर भी हम गाते हैं
हे अदिति मान कभी , कभी सारे जहाँ में अँधेरा होता है
लेकिन रात के बाद ही तो सवेरा होता
कभी कभी अदिति ज़िंदगी
में यूँही कोई अपना लगता है
कभी कभी अदिति वह बिछड़ जाए तो
एक सपना लगता है ,
हे अदिति हसदे हसदे हसदे हसदे तू ज़रा
नही तो बस थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा मुस्कुरा
तू खुश है तो लगे की जहाँ में छाई है खुशी
सूरज निकले बादलों से और बांटते ज़िंदगी
सुन तो जरा मदहोश हवा तुझसे कहने लगी
की अदिति को बिछड़ते है एक न एक दिन फिर मिल जाते हैं
अदिति जाने तू या जाने न फूल फिर खिल जाते हैं
कभी कभी अदिति ज़िंदगी में यूँही कोई अपना लगता है कभी कभी अदिति वह बिछड़ जाए तो एक सपना लगता है ,
हे अदिति हसदे हसदे हसदे हसदे तू ज़रा
नही तो बस थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा मुस्कुरा
हे अदिति हसदे हसदे हसदे हसदे तू ज़रानही तो बस थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा थोड़ा मुस्कुरा
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Worst nightmare as Mumbai Indian FAN
I don’t like when my team loses any match. That’s why after my last post i decided myself that when Mumbai Indian makes up to semi final I’m going to write about it.
But last life is not that easy. I lost my all senses when Mumbai India lost Rajastan royals. I was happy as I thought after wining consecutive 5 matches even though Mumbai lost 2 matches no harm. I was sure that they gonna make it to final by wining last 2 matches.... and hell is here Mumbai Indian lost this match....
Its complete mess…… my hopes are tangling.
My Moto in life is "Don’t cry for mercy….and I don’t like sympathy either".
“You are creator of your own destiny and its shame if you are waiting for others downfall to make up your way.”
This thing is happening now..Mumbai Indians are now nowhere…Its disgusting that now we are waiting to see how Chennai super kings will perform either they lose and can give Mumbai Indians a hope or they’ll win and crush our hopes…
I m confused now..I don’t want to see Mumbai Indian out of semifinals ……and for that I cant pray for downfall of Chennai super kings… because I’m not that kind of person who will build his house on dead bodies of other…….
At this time we’ll just see whats gonna happen. Knowing that ball is not in our hand.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The man behind Mumbai Indians fall in IPL
But its hight of carelessness and immaturity.
Ashish the man behind the loss of two match for Mumbai Indians.
Its not a good to say but Ashish Nehara is an A******hole.
How can a on earth a sportsman do such a crap thing. He is relunctant to change. He dont want to improve himself nither his bowling is improving. He just throws the ball at batsman so he can make runs.
In first match of Mumbai Indians, he spelled a 19th over. and what he had done is known by everybody.
2 Sixes and 4 fours. simply a GALLI cricketer can bowled well than him.
And in 2nd match..God please remove this guy from Mumbai Indians team rather i would say unless he improved himself dont play a cricket either.
What he think about himself. is he a star batsman so he can hit a six on free hit.
F****** he sink Mumbai indians hopes. Any man with commansense will try to take a run and change strike so the other batsman who can do this job very well can take a strike..
But no this man again s***ks.
A friendly advice to him. Please improve yourself. you may have a lot of potential im not saying no. but make sure you got the balls when you enter into arena in battlefield of cricket.
we have a great hopes from our team, It is better that one get dissapionted than millions.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
दिवसभर कितीही दंगा केला
तरी मला थोपटल्याशिवाय आई कधी झोपली नाही
घरापासुन दूर आता म्हणूनच कदाचित
शांत झोप कधी लागली नाही
कुणी विचारतं .."तुला घरी जावसं वाटत नाही?
"कसं सांगू त्यांना, घरातून निघताना
आईला मारलेली मिठी सोडवत नाहीआई,
तू सांगायची गरज नाही
तुला माझी आठवण येते
आता माझ्यासाठि डबा करायचा नसतो
तरीहि तू सहा वाजताच उठतेस
तुझ्या हातचा चहा
तुझ्या हातची पोळी
तुझ्या हातची माझी नावडती भाजीही खायला
आता जीभ आसुसली
घरापासून दूर ...
आई जग खूप वेगळं आहे
तुझ्या सावलीत अगदी बिंनधास्त होते
आता रणरणंत ऊन आहे
तू आपल्या पिलांसाठी
सगळं केलंस ...
एक दिवस पिलं म्हणाली, "आई आता आम्हाला जायचंय" ...
आणि तू त्यांना जाऊ दिलंस
तू इथे नाहीस
बाकी माझ्याकडे सगळं आहे
घरापासून दूरजग खूप वेगळं आह....................
1) क्रुपया खिडकीतुन पत्र टाकु नयेत. आमटीत पड्तात. चव बिघडते.
2) धूळ साचलेल्या गाडीच्या काचेवर :- आता तरी पुसा…..
3) ख़ोदुन ठेवलेल्या रस्त्यावर: भव्य पुणे मोटोक्रॉस स्पर्धा :-: सौजन्य पुणे महानगरपलिका
4) लाकडी जीन्यावर : चढण्यासाठी वापर करावा… वाजवण्यासाठी नव्हे.
5) होटेल मधे : कामाशीवाय बसु नये..
6) दुपारी १ ते ४ दार वाजवु नये. येथे माणसे रहातात व ती दुपारी झोपतत..
अपमान कसा होतो ते पहायचे असल्यास वाजवुन पहा….
7) कोर्या कागदाची झेरोक्स काधुन मिळेल. येथे जोशी रहात नाहीत. चौकशी करु नये, अपमान होईल…
9)येथे कचरा टाकू नये साभार परत केला जाईल.
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Monday, April 07, 2008
BANG!!! BANG!!!!!! Alibag rocks..............
a journy towards Alibag .......story of 6 young hot blood youths...ramping road like hell..cruzing on bikes. talking with winds ......
Here is the story.. One fine sunny day

Morning 8.30am 3 bikes starts.. engine roars.. flash of light and munching a huge 147km..we arrived at KASHED beach.what a site. neat clean beach. sweat sound of wind. heavy metal like sound of sea. Just calling us and saying.."Come on guys!!!". sea was waiting for us. fighting with us with all force throwing waves on us......and we the brave soldier of a elite group for us its just a play. ha haha enjoyed a lot.
well then we played football at beach. Then start mischief. You are unaware of these guys. these are the ****** on this planet. Anurag Mathur Aka babu the huge one starts video recording like a news chanel reporter.Nihar Samal Aka Neo Anderson. Saurabh Gupta Aka Khau...Aditya Chandrakar Aka Adi.. Arun Purohit Aka Zarun..and my self Snehal Kendre Aka bachaa.. we are the kings here..and this is our property

Then we moved to Conqure FORT JANJIRA....and we successfully did it

after a long hard days we are

Monday, March 03, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
from my heart
नकळत डोळ्यांत पाणी येतं..
मग आठवतात ते दिवस
जिथं आपली ओळख झाली..
आठवण आली तुझी की,
माझं मन कासाविस होतं
मग त्याच आठवणीना..
मनात घोळवावं लागतं..
आठवण आली तुझी की,
वाटतं एकदाच तुला पाहावं
अन माझ्या ह्रदयात सामावुन घ्यावं..
पण सलतं मनात ते दुःख..
जाणवतं आहे ते अशक्य…
कारण देवानेच नेलयं माझं ते सौख्य…
पण तरिही………
आठवण आली तुझी की,
देवालाच मागतो मी….
नाही जमलं जे या जन्मी
मिळू देत ते पुढच्या जन्मी….
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Sunday, February 03, 2008
ROCKING day of my life..with my friends.... essel world
And we start our Essel world journey.f
its a mixed up event with a great enjoyment. First ride was gud.I tried to get some snaps but every time I try that ride turns around and I was not able to get snaps. But memorable thing was SHIVETA tightly holding DEBO and closed her eyes.
Then we moved for a Ride that splashes water. SANDY BABU DEBO SURENDER SHIVETA YOGITA AND ME had that ride. BABU and DEBO enjoyed it most. they completed 3 round and after that they ware completely socked into water.
It was the first time I dare to ride it. Not because am afraid but, I don’t like water splashed on me. Thanks to YOGITA because of her I tried that ride and came out completely socked in water and shivering like hell. Soon we had a photo session there. SANDY gave a good macho man snap. Thanks to SURENDER it was his idea.And as usual SURENDER was on his hight to tease peoples.Not a single person can escape from him
Our next destination was “Bhoolbhoolaya”
Everybody entered into it but AMEYA was ahead of everybody and I caught him. Just before end of bhoolbhoolya I crossed him. And we wait for almost 5min.soon SURENDER and JUHEB came out from “entrance” rather than “exit”. Behind then was YOGITA and JANAKI same came out from “entrance” rather than “exit”. SURENDER was saying that they are cheaters. HAHAHA.
Essel world is really a nice place to hang out.
Next destination haunted hotel.
It was not haunted at all. Even JANAKI was also not afraid.
Next ride was awesome ROCK N ROLL.
Just u have to sit there and it rolls like drum. AMEYA got a hang over due to this. And he said NO for THUNDER our next destination.
Before that we played a game of horse racing DERBY RACERS.
JUHEB was winner of that game. No match for his horse. It just fly away from other horses and won then game.
Now here comes a THUNDER ride.
Best ride of Essel world..
And its the only ride that i enjoy very much every time.It just blow you out rotates like hell and turns you upside down. as i said AMEYA already said no to it.and JANAKI aaannnnnnnnnn no comments.
well i was quit while riding.
Soon NAYAN AND VISHAL joined us. We had our lunch.
Just at the lunch time there was a dance floor again rocked by BABU AND DEBO.
Both are great dancers and the way they dance was in a single word “AWESOME”.
Its special for me soon you will figure out why.
I’m not so good at skating but can play it well. I was teaching my other friends. Among them JUHEB is state level skater. SURENDER also is good and he was teaching SHIVETA.
Memorable moments are
2. AMEYA and YOGITA learn very soon how to skate.
3. And a beautiful girl asks me to teach how to skate.
I guide her well and we skate for 4 rounds. After that my friend teases me very much.
Last was BOWLING.
As usual SURENDER rocks with 140 points with 4 STRIKES and 3 SPARES.
Overall it’s a great and memorable gathering.
I thank everybody personally. Only because of my friends it becomes memorable for me.
Thanks to NAYAN AND VISHAL even though they stuck in the office they managed to get time.
And I missed KSHITIJA DHWANI and GEETIKA. As they ware not able to come there
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Sachin Tendulkar Knocks Kangaroo
A long awaited moment for me.
so today im verry happy, and i`ll bet that im the happiest person on earth.
here the story in short..
Sachin Tendulkar on 92...clark against him..
1st ball...........high in the sky...........and here goes sixer....
2nd ball ...beautiful shot and here goes a boundry.....and sachin on 102...a massive 39th century
It is a great moment.. as in 90`s sachin goes for a six and four..rather collecting 1s and 2s...
Sachin hits 100 in style...............
So again Hats OFf f0r Sachin
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Epic five set battle..And Roger Federer shows he is No.1
after whatever happend at sydney test its the great bang Aussi have ever recieved..
what goes round coming all the way back around..
Three cheirs for Indian Team..HIP HIP HURRAY
Monday, January 14, 2008
what man dont u understand.....11 th jan birthday...boss celebrate ho chuka dont go back to work